Rajesvari Yoga with Graeme

Master Shailendra Dangwal

Yoga Bendigo, Bendigo Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga Retreat Bendigo, Yoga studio Bendigo

Master Shailendra Dangwal was born in Rishikesh, India in 1982.

He was first lured to yoga by the tales of the sweets given to the children after class that he had heard about from his younger brother, Sachin (also a yoga instructor).

Shally’s sweet tooth ensured he was a committed attendee thereafter and led to a lifetime of yoga practice.

He was a talented sportsman, dedicated to his training and at age 20, he moved to New Delhi to commence his career as a professional cricketer.

Throughout this time, yoga remained a constant in his life. 

Shally returned to Rishikesh in 2007 with his mind set on taking his yoga studies to the highest possible level. At this time, he commenced 3 years of study under Yogi Kumar Naithanii Sanjayikesh at the Shivananda ashram. 

He formalised his qualifications at the Rishikesh Yogpeeth in 2012 and from then, taught in many studios and assisted in numerous teacher training courses.


In 2016, Shally became the resident instructor at Hilltop Resort Studio in Topovan Heights which is a short walk up the hill from Laxman Jula, the holiest of sites on the sacred River Ganges. 

It was here that Graeme met Shally in 2017 and was immediately taken by his unabashed happiness and teaching prowess.

Over the ensuing month, Graeme witnessed Shally’s dedication to his Yogic lifestyle and Hindu  faith and marvelled at the seemingly, unlimited asanas variations he presented in classes, pitched to students of all levels.

Graeme adopted Shally as his teacher and was rewarded with personal attention to his practice which accelerated his progress well beyond any expectations he had.

Their relationship has since strengthened with a mutual passion for teaching yoga and Graeme continues his professional development with Shally in weekly, online classes.

During the isolation period, Shally undertook his Master Instructor’s training at the Uttarakand Sanskrit University in Haridwar.

Many of Shally’s international students return to Rishikesh regularly to study and practise with him.

Shally is currently at Rajesvari Yoga Shala near Bendigo, Australia, teaching yoga with Graeme, and will be so until mid January 2025.

master shailendra dangwal
Founder, Instructor Yog with Shally Wellness Centre

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